
  • 未経験OK
  • 高収入
  • 外資系


Customer Experience Specialist - Hospitality Industry (Japanese Speaker)
Date: 16-Oct-2020
Location: Yokohama, Kanagawa
Company: TDCX

What is your mission?
As a Customer Experience Specialist, you will be working with our Hospitality Account to deliver #happier customer experience. This team will be on the front lines working with our users every day and will partner with our Product team to improve user experience.
You are also required to perform these job functions:
• Provide friendly and efficient service to the travel community of our client.
• Be a first point of contact to handle and resolve customer complaints.
• Respond professionally to inbound phone calls, including urgent situations.
• Identify and escalate issues appropriately.
• Compose thoughtful and accurate messages or customize prepared responses to customer emails.
• Research information and troubleshoot problems using available resources.
• Arbitrate in situations between users.
• Monitor and control numerous concurrent tasks in tandem.
• Proactively and independently work to meet targets and goals
• Any other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to you by the management from time to time, within your category of employment in the organization and for the effective implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the ISO9001 and ISO18295-1 Quality Management System of TDCX.

Who are we looking for?
• Preferable with 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. However, fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, Master\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Degree, any field.
• Must be available for a regular schedule of 40 hours a week, one that spans weekends and holidays as our customers need us. Shifts may include evening or early morning hours
• Flawless verbal communication skills in English and Japanese language is essential.
• Patience, empathy, and a unique ability to manage stress.
• Skilled and eloquent in writing.
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
• Ability to work under pressure and adapt quickly to adverse situations.
• Technical aptitude and the ability to pick up new technology quickly.
• Knowledge of and experience with measuring and improving customer satisfaction and loyalty across broad functional areas and diverse geographies.
• Familiarity with ticketing systems.
• Experience with policy work, or help resource project management
• Previous, demonstrable experience with the creation of online help resources
• An early adopter of technology.





職種 カスタマーサポート職
会社名 ニチオインフォテックサービス
雇用形態 正社員
給与 月給25~26.5万円+インセンティブ
勤務地 神奈川県横浜市西区
転勤 なし
マイカー通勤 不可
就業時間 06:00~24:00の間でシフト制
休憩時間 60分
休日 シフト制
週休二日 毎週
必要な資格,免許 なし
学歴 高卒以上
経験 未経験歓迎
採用人数 5人以上


通勤手当 実費支給 上限なし
育児休業取得実績 あり
定年制 あり 60歳
再雇用 なし


  • 電話番号:080-7002-8080
  • 採用担当者:北岡
  • 「げんきワークを見た」とお伝えください。
選考方法 面接, 書類選考, その他
必要書類 履歴書, 職務経歴書


会社名 ニチオインフォテックサービス
事業内容 旅行業界を牽引するグローバルカンパニーです。顧客とのリレーション構築をお任せしたいです。