英語講師、英会話インストラクター English Teacher/English Conversation Instructorの求人/株式会社 ハートコーポレイション Heart Corporation

  • 年齢不問
  • 残業なし,少ない
  • 土日休み


This is a perfect opportunity for you to experience life in Japan. Positions available Koshigaya in Saitama.
Japanese teachers and students need our help to develop their skills in English. We are looking for people who will help in this effort. Not only this, but we are also seeking English Speakers who would like to experience the Japanese culture and to expand their knowledge and skills in Japan.
・Working with Japanese teachers to create engaging English lessons
・Motivating the students to speak English
・Create an atmosphere of engaging in English
Why us?
Our company values aspiring and experienced teachers looking to learn how the Japanese style of teaching works. We provide ways to get you prepared for public schools and regular training to further develop your skills. Our dedicated bi-lingual staff will support you from the application process to your daily life at school.
9,500~10,000 yen per day
Monday~ Friday, Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays off.
Opportunities for career development
Visa Sponsorship available
Good life and work balance
Build up your portfolio for one or two years in Japan. With our support, we will help you navigate your career should you opt to stay longer in Japan through our GHR Network.




職種 英語講師、英会話インストラクター English Teacher/English Conversation Instructor
会社名 株式会社 ハートコーポレイション Heart Corporation
雇用形態 正社員
給与 9,500~10,000 yen per day
勤務地 埼玉県Japan Saitama Koshigaya
最寄り駅depends on which school you work at
転勤 なし
マイカー通勤 可(駐車場あり)
就業時間 roughly 8:30~16:30 (depends on the school you work with)
休憩時間  lunch break
休日 土、日、祝
週休二日 毎週
必要な資格,免許 Only accepting résumés from current residents of Japan. English : Near-native Career Level : Student (Bachelor) Must hold or be eligible for an appropriate visa
学歴 大卒以上
経験 At least 12 years of education conducted in English for Non-Native applicants
採用人数 5人以上


通勤手当 実費支給 上限なし
育児休業取得実績 なし
定年制 なし
再雇用 あり


  • 電話番号:0433062180
    電話の受付時間:9:00~17:30 on weekdays
  • メールアドレス:awazawa.risako@heart-school.jp
  • 採用担当者:Risako Awazawa
  • 「げんきワークを見た」とお伝えください。
選考方法 面接, 書類選考
必要書類 履歴書


会社名 株式会社 ハートコーポレイション Heart Corporation
ホームページ https://heart-school.jp/en/